Leading an extraordinary life
by Maria Kathrina Lopez Yarza
November 12, 2012
It really does feel great whenever people tell me that I have touched their lives and influenced them in one way or another. Actually, I am not really doing anything greater other than enjoying my life and living it the way I want it.
I accept whatever life gives me despite the odds and enjoy whatever comes out from it. Some may complain that it is easier said than done, but it’s not really the case. Yes, life is hard, but doing the things that you can is not really that hard. It all depends on you and your attitude.
Two years after their first daughter was born, Ianne and Wesley were blessed with their second child. They named him Weston Karl Pineda and fondly call him Ton-Ton.
Ianne’s pregnancy with Ton-Ton was a bit stressful for she was working at a call center at that time. Because of this, Ton-Ton was born with complications. He was diagnosed with congenital cataract, the clouding of the lens of the eye that is present at birth.
Adults with cataract can delay the surgery treatment for years. But in infants, if the cataract is not removed during the first year of life, the vision will never develop normally.
On his first year, Ton-Ton underwent eye surgery to remove his cataract and up until now, his eye doctor monitors his vision and they are still unsure if his right eye can already see clearly or not.
The family thought Ton-Ton’s cataract was the only thing they needed to worry about. Two years after, they noticed that Ton-Ton still couldn’t utter a single word. They thought that maybe Ton-Ton has speech delay which is common with some children.
For Ianne, congenital cataract is already too much for her son; that is why she didn’t have him undergo a comprehensive medical check-up. But after watching “Budoy,” a local teleserye where the lead character has delayed mental development, Ianne thought maybe something is not right with her son. So, they brought Ton-Ton to a developmental pediatrician and to the Angeles Medical Center for Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) and Auditory Steady-State Response (ASSR).
It was confirmed that Ton-Ton is deaf. He has severe to profound hearing loss on his left ear, while his right ear has profound hearing loss.
“It was as if the earth crashed on me,” Ianne recalls. “I really wish I could just give my hearing to Ton.”
Ton-Ton’s doctors recommended that he undergo cochlear implant to be able to hear and help him develop his speech ability.
Ianne wants the device for her son but could not afford to pay for a cochlear implant which costs a million per unit.
“I know there’s a bright future ahead for my child. I really want him to hear the sounds, the noise, and our comforting and loving words. I also want to hear him speak his name and say Mama,” shares Ianne.
More than that, Ianne wants her son to experience a normal life. Every parent wants the best for his or her child, and both Ianne and Westley believe that the cochlear implant will help their son live a better and happier life.
If you are willing to extend your hands and hearts to help Ton-Ton hear and develop his speech, you may call his mother Ianne Kristine Pineda at 0933-6033762.
Meanwhile, Heinrick Fenzie was born on Dec. 13, 2011 in Cebu City. He was diagnosed with Tricuspid Valve Atresia Type 1-C, the third most common form of Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease, also with Ventricular Septal defect, Atrial Septal defect, Patent Ductus Arteriorsis, left-sided aortic arc, and Pulmonary Hypertension. There’s a hole in his heart and his arteries are clogged. He already had surgery (Pulmonary Artery Banding) last June and he needs to undergo two more surgeries, the Glenn Shunt and Fontan operation next year.
The family of Heinrick had used up all the money that they had raised for his first surgery and they are now struggling to sustain his medical needs. His family is in need of financial assistance for his continuous medications and for the conduit device for his next surgery which costs R200,000-300,000. Let us make a difference and touch someone’s life. Be a cupid for Heinrick’s heart. Contact his mom Billie Tan at 0922-8669610.
Anyone can make a positive impact on the lives of other people. All we have to do is live our ordinary lives extraordinarily well. Be happy and positive. Do what you love and love your work. Reach out not only by using your hands, but with your heart as well. Life is lived wonderfully that way.

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