When I was diagnosed & hospitalized in 2005,
Betti one of the (many many many) friends who gave their support and shared their love with me.
2005. tacK, Adie & Betti |
Betti belonged to the batch ahead of me, but because of her condition, she often missed her classes and attended school irregularly. She was our classmate in some subjects. We became friends and she became a part of our group. She added color to our group with her funny antics and good sense of humor, creative sense of humor that is. It really did not seem like she just came from having being ill and from having an organ transplant. I have admired her since then. Creative. Witty. Funny. Kind. Giving. And has a stong FAITH in God.
I can say that I knew how Betti felt when she learned that they need a large sum of money for her transplant.
Hello Kidney and friends
by Maria Kathrina Lopez Yarza
June 11, 2012
A cheerful heart is a good medicine. — Proverbs 17:22
I was pondering on these words when one of my college friends, Kat Soriano, told me about the current health condition of our friend Catherine “Betti” Sanchez, one of the funniest and strongest persons that I know whose cheerfulness has always been contagious.